
Here you will find a list of the included examples. Each example have a short description and a screenshot (if applicable).

To look at the source code of an example open it on github by following the link. The examples are also included in the source distribution of Easymunk (but not if you install using the wheel file). You can find the source distribution at PyPI, https://pypi.org/project/pymunk/#files (file named pymunk-x.y.z.zip).

Jupyter Notebooks

There are a couple examples that are provided as Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb). They are possible to either view online in a browser directly on github, or opened as a Notebook.


Displays the same space as the pygame and pyglet draw demos, but using matplotlib and the notebook.

Source: examples/matplotlib_util_demo.ipynb



Similar simulation as newtons_cradle.py, but this time as a Notebook. Compared to the draw demo this demo will output a animation of the simulated space.

Source: examples/newtons_cradle.ipynb

Standalone Python

To run the examples yourself either install easymunk or run it using the convenience run.py script.

Given that easymunk is installed where your python will find it:

>cd examples
>python breakout.py

Each example contains something unique. Not all of the examples use the same style. For example, some use the easymunk.pygame_util module to draw stuff, others contain the actual drawing code themselves. However, each example is self contained. Except for external libraries (such as pygame) and easymunk each example can be run directly to make it easy to read the code and understand what happens even if it means that some code is repeated for each example.

If you have made something that uses easymunk and would like it displayed here or in a showcase section of the site, feel free to contact me!


Source: examples/arrows.py

Showcase of flying arrows that can stick to objects in a somewhat realistic looking way.



Source: examples/balls_and_lines.py

This example lets you dynamically create static walls and dynamic balls



Source: examples/basic_test.py

Very simple example that does not depend on any third party library such as pygame or pyglet like the other examples.


Source: examples/bouncing_balls.py

This example spawns (bouncing) balls randomly on a L-shape constructed of two segment shapes. Not interactive.



Source: examples/box2d_pyramid.py

Remake of the pyramid demo from the box2d testbed.



Source: examples/box2d_vertical_stack.py

Remake of the veritcal stack demo from the box2d testbed.



Source: examples/breakout.py

Very simple breakout clone. A circle shape serves as the paddle, then breakable bricks constructed of Poly-shapes.

The code showcases several pymunk concepts such as elasitcity, impulses, constant object speed, joints, collision handlers and post step callbacks.



Source: examples/constraints.py

Pymunk constraints demo. Showcase of all the constraints included in easymunk.

Adapted from the Chipmunk Joints demo: https://github.com/slembcke/Chipmunk2D/blob/master/demo/Joints.c



Source: examples/contact_and_no_flipy.py

This example spawns (bouncing) balls randomly on a L-shape constructed of two segment shapes. For each collision it draws a red circle with size depending on collision strength. Not interactive.



Source: examples/contact_with_friction.py

This example spawns (bouncing) balls randomly on a L-shape constructed of two segment shapes. Displays collsion strength and rotating balls thanks to friction. Not interactive.



Source: examples/copy_and_pickle.py

This example shows how you can copy, save and load a space using pickle.



Source: examples/damped_rotary_spring_pointer.py

This example showcase an arrow pointing or aiming towards the cursor.



Source: examples/deformable.py

This is an example on how the autogeometry can be used for deformable terrain.



Source: examples/flipper.py

A very basic flipper game.



Source: examples/index_video.py

Program used to generate the logo animation on the pymunk main page.

This program will showcase several features of Pymunk, such as collisions, debug drawing, automatic generation of shapes from images, motors, joints and sleeping bodies.



Source: examples/kivy_pymunk_demo

A rudimentary port of the intro video used for the intro animation on pymunk.org. The code is tested on both Windows and Android.

Note that it doesn’t display Kivy best practices, the intro_video code was just converted to Kivy in the most basic way to show that its possible, its not supposed to show the best way to structure a Kivy application using Pymunk.



Source: examples/logo.py

A very simple script to create the Easymunk Logo from pixel-art.

It opens a screen with the logo. Press Alt+1 to save a screenshot to the desktop.


Source: examples/newtons_cradle.py

A screensaver version of Newton’s Cradle with an interactive mode.



Source: examples/platformer.py

Showcase of a very basic 2d platformer

The red girl sprite is taken from Sithjester’s RMXP Resources: http://untamed.wild-refuge.net/rmxpresources.php?characters


The code of this example is a bit messy. If you adapt this to your own code you might want to structure it a bit differently.



Source: examples/playground.py

A basic playground. Most interesting function is draw a shape, basically move the mouse as you want and pymunk will approximate a Poly shape from the drawing.



Source: examples/point_query.py

This example showcase point queries by highlighting the shape under the mouse pointer.



Source: examples/py2exe_setup__basic_test.py

Simple example of py2exe to create a exe of the basic_test example.

Tested on py2exe on python 3.4


Source: examples/py2exe_setup__breakout.py

Example script to create a exe of the breakout example using py2exe.

Tested on py2exe on python 3.4


Source: examples/pygame_demo.py

Showcase what the output of easymunk.pygame_util draw methods will look like.

See pyglet_util_demo.py for a comparison to pyglet.


Source: examples/pyglet_demo.py

Showcase what the output of easymunk.pyglet_util draw methods will look like.

See pygame_util_demo.py for a comparison to pygame.


Source: examples/shapes_for_draw_demos.py

Helper function fill_space for the draw demos. Adds a lot of stuff to a space.


Source: examples/slide_and_pinjoint.py

A L shape attached with a joint and constrained to not tip over.

This example is also used in the Get Started Tutorial.



Source: examples/spiderweb.py

Showcase of a elastic spiderweb (drawing with pyglet)

It is possible to grab one of the crossings with the mouse



Source: examples/tangram.py

Remake of the pyramid demo from the box2d testbed.


Source: examples/tank.py

Port of the Chipmunk tank demo. Showcase a topdown tank driving towards the mouse, and hitting obstacles on the way.



Source: examples/using_sprites.py

Very basic example of using a sprite image to draw a shape more similar how you would do it in a real game instead of the simple line drawings used by the other examples.



Source: examples/using_sprites_pyglet.py

This example is a clone of the using_sprites example with the difference that it uses pyglet instead of pygame to showcase sprite drawing.
