

You will find the latest released version at pypi:

Install Easymunk

Easymunk can be installed with pip install:

> pip install easymunk

Easymunk can also be installed with conda install, from the conda-forge channel:

> conda install -c conda-forge easymunk

Sometimes on more uncommon platforms you will need to have a GCC-compatible c-compiler installed.

On OSX you can install one with:

> xcode-select --install

On Linux you can install one with the package manager, for example on Ubuntu with:

> sudo apt-get install build-essential

Examples & Documentation

Because of their size the examples and the documentation are available in the source distribution of Easymunk, but not the wheels. The source distribution is available from PyPI at (Named


Check that no files are named

Check that conda install works

Advanced - Android Install

Easymunk can run on Android phones/tablets/computers.


Kivy is a open source Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps, and can run on Android (and a number of other platforms such as Linux, Windows, OS X, iOS and Raspberry Pi).

Easymunk should work out of the box when used with Kivy. Note however that the recipe used to build Easymunk specifies a specific version of Easymunk that might not be the latest, see the recipe script here:


Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required.

There are no binary wheels of pymunk for Termux/Android, or for its dependency cffi, so you will need to install a couple of packages first, before pymunk can be installed.

  1. Install python and other needed dependencies (run inside Termux):

    $ pkg install python python-dev clang libffi-dev
  2. Install pymunk with pip:

    $ pip install pymunk
  3. Verify that it works:

    $ python -m pymunk.tests test

Advanced - Install

Another option is to use the standard way, in case you have downloaded the source distribution:

> python install

Note that this require a GCC compiler, which can be a bit tricky on Windows. If you are on Mac OS X or Linux you will probably need to run as a privileged user; for example using sudo:

> sudo python install

Once installed you should be able to to import pymunk just as any other installed library. pymunk should also work just fine with virtualenv in case you want it installed in a contained environment.

Advanced - Running without installation

If you do not want to install Easymunk, for example because you want to bundle it with your code, its also possible to run it directly inplace. Given that you have the source code the first thing to do is to compile chipmunk with the inplace option, as described in the Compile Chipmunk section.

To actually import pymunk from its folder you need to do a small path hack, since the pymunk root folder (where and the README are located) is not part of the package. Instead you should add the path to the pymunk package folder (where files such as and are located):

|-- ...
|-- easymunk/
|   |-- README.rst
|   |--
|   |-- easymunk/
|   |   |--
|   |   |--
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- ...

Then inside you code file ( import sys and add the pymunk folder to the path:

import sys
sys.path.insert(1, 'easymunk')
import easymunk as mk

Compile Chipmunk

If a compiled binary library of Chipmunk that works on your platform is not included in the release you will need to compile Chipmunk yourself. Another reason to compile chipmunk is if you want to run it in release mode to get rid of the debug prints it generates. If you just use pip install the compilation will happen automatically given that a compiler is available. You can also specifically compile Chipmunk as described below.

To compile Chipmunk:

> python build_ext

If you got the source and just want to use it directly you probably want to compile Chipmunk in-place, that way the output is put directly into the correct place in the source folder:

> python build_ext --inplace

On Windows you will need to use Visual Studio matching your Python version.

CFFI Installation

Sometimes you need to manually install the (non-python) dependencies of CFFI. Usually you will notice this as a installation failure when pip tries to install CFFI since CFFI is a dependency of Easymunk. This is not really part of Easymunk, but a brief description is available for your convenience.

You need to install two extra dependencies for CFFI to install properly. This can be handled by the package manager. The dependencies are python-dev and libffi-dev. Note that they might have slightly different names depending on the distribution, this is for Debian/Ubuntu. Just install them the normal way, for example like this if you use apt and Pip should be able to install CFFI properly:

> sudo apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev